Tuesday, April 17, 2012


VBS 2012 is taking us around the world to see God's most marvelous natural wonders. 

Our VBS Scripture: 
Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:5 (HCSB) 

Our VBS Motto: Awesome God! Amazing Power! 

The children will go around to all the Rotations to learn about the places where God has created for us the natural wonders of this world: 
- Bible Study at Victoria Falls 

- Missions Under the Northern Lights 

- Music at the Matterhorn 

- Crafts at the Great Barrier Reef 

- Recreation at the Grand Canyon 

- Snacks at Paricutin Volcano 

Our 5-day Bible Study curriculum is as follows: 

Day 1: Amazing! God’s Power Over Nature 
Bible Story: The River Stood Still (Joshua 3–4) 
Bible Verse: Jeremiah 32:17 
Life Application: I can recognize that God has power over all things. 

Day 2: Amazing! God’s Power Over Circumstances 
Bible Story: The Lions’ Mouths Were Shut (Daniel 6:1-23) 
Bible Verse: Daniel 2:20 
Life Application: I can trust that God is in control, no matter what happens. 

Day 3: Amazing! God’s Power Over Sin 
Bible Story: God Sent Jesus (Luke 2:21-38; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Bible Verse: Romans 6:23
Life Application: I can believe that God sent Jesus, and I can accept God’s gift of forgiveness. 

Day 4: Amazing! God’s Power Over Death 
Bible Story: Jesus Is Alive! (John 19:31-20:20) 
Bible Verse: Romans 5:8 
Life Application: I can celebrate that Jesus is alive! 

Day 5: Amazing! God’s Power Over My Life 
Bible Story: The Apostles Took Action (Acts 5:12-42) 
Bible Verse: 2 Peter 1:3 
Life Application: I can rely on God’s power to do what He wants me to do.

Gheez... I'm getting excited already for VBS in November - it's so wonderful to not only know about God's awesome wonders but to also feel His awesome power. If you are as excited as I am, please speak to our VBS 2012 Principal, Chan Weng Yue and sign up to be a part of this amazing event. 

Blessings to all,
Poh Gek

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